Wednesday, April 30, 2008

CDN Tax day

April 30 is Tax Day in Canada, that means investors tend to sell their mutual funds or position to pay for any taxes owing. TSX got clocked for 200+ points yesterday as oil,gold and commodities got a pasting dur to the FED spin of the last 25 bps cut to 2%. What a joke-2% or 2.25% -does it make a difference when the shadow financial system is creating credit north of 10%. The Treasury for Toxic waste program allows the banks to hold onto their poor investments-just like Japan in the 1990s.

Cdn Feb. GDP dropped .2% in Feb.-worse than expected-likely to lead to another rate cut by the BoC late in q2 -probably 25 bps

Japan announced it was not biased to raising rates in the near term-despite inflation rising above 1%. They do not want to risk the same mistake they made in the mid 1990s-raising rates too early and snuffing out the recovery.

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