Friday, September 26, 2008


Listening to the Financial News on the MSM, one would think the world is coming to an end. Maybe the financial world, but not the real world. In a capitalist society, bankruptcy is necessary to reign in excessive risks. Thw wise and strong will survive, while the ignorant and weak wither. For the last 8 yrs, risk control has taken a back seat to greed. Now the opposite is happening as risk control has shifted to the other side and fear reigns supreme. How long this lasts is anybody's guess. The 'Free' Market will sort it out eventually, but the markets have been anyhting but free in the last 12 months. Heavy PPT intervention, followed by excessive rule changing has completely screwed the system up. Let the Mkts work-set the interest rate, provide liquidity and then help the players build a solid base to continue business. The fact is that when the retail investor has been duped into buying stocks that are supported by a 25-1 leverage ratio-bad things happen. There are some great investments out their right now, but with capital short and tied up in illiquid and junky assets, it can not migrate to the better investments. The Paulsen plan would help free up some of that capital, but it is being bogged down in Congress as the cost of the plan is being difficult to sell. The US gov't has abandoned the middle class in the last 8 yrs while pandering to the rich. The gall to ask for taxpayer funds to support the Fat Cats is ridiculous. Let the mkt work it out-sure there will be bankruptcies, but that is life. The sun will rise in the East and Set in the West-life will go on, but it will not be as nice as it was when money and credit were cheap and esy to get.

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