Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Walter Ruether where are You

Back in the 1930s when Henry Ford was boasting to Walter Ruether (head of the auto workers union) that his new automated assembly line would reduce the need for his unionized workers and may even eliminate them, Walter replied (to paraphrase) 'That is great Henry, but who are you going to sell your cars to?' That same situation is currently the US and the Western worlds problem. But outsourcing their production to low cost countries, Western companies have destroyed their buying base. Profits have risen tremendously in the past 10 yrs, but the slow deterioration of the consumption base has finally caught up to the process. There is a massive time lag as the developing world catches up to the living standards of the West. They need basic necessities, not luxury items. They will buy a Chevy and not a Cadillac. They will buy food and fuel, but not Cartier watches.

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