Friday, November 7, 2008

Solving the US crisis

In the immortal words of Walter Ruether-'That's great Henry (Ford), now who are you going to sell your cars to'

Executives better realign their moral compasses and realize that shipping jobs off shore to low wage countries is killing their consumer base. Low wage countries buy basic necessities, not luxury items. In addition, CEO compensation of 500X the average employee pay is ridiculous, as it was at 300X and 400X. Maybe the top brass should take a pay cut and come down from their exalted ivory tower.

Going forward, I suspect the democrats to implement policies that are going to be hard on the wealthy. Whether or not some 'income redistribution' takes place via gov't actions remains to be seen. But given the fat cat pay packages on Wall Street being slashed, expect to see all sorts of layoffs in the staf of these people. No more trickle down economics.

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