Sunday, June 8, 2008

Time for Sacrifice

Here we are at the crossraods of history. The US needs to make a stand, or its role as the only remaining super power is about to be diminished. Over the last 20 yrs, the US has squandered its lead in technology, commerce, free speech, civil rights, and a host o other issues as the mistakes of history get repeated-AGAIN. The more things change, the more they stay the same as human nature is a difficult animal to corral.
The US is in a war-whether it is a War on Terror, or a War of Christian beliefs vs Islam, or a War of Imperical Power vs Colonial autonomy-it makes no difference. It is a war. In War, sacrifices need to be made. To date, 4000 US service men and women have sacrificed their lives. In addition, the secret, private war of third party combatants has also claimed numerous lives. What are the sacrifices at home. Besides the skyrocketing price of oil and essentials, there is no sacrifice. No taxes have been raised to pay for this war. No programs have been implemented to increase the war effort to add supplies and soldiers to the program. There is a clear lack of direction at the top. It is like a blind fighter swinging wildly at his opponent with no help from his trainers regarding direction. Something needs to be done to change this path of ruin.
Some sort of National Plan needs to be implemented. The War Hawks are running roughshod once again through the halls of the US Gov't. Remember Manifest Destiny. It is back. How many pompous US Congressmen and wamen have been hijacked by the indusrtial military complex. It is becoming ludicrous. In the past the US just printed more of the reserve currency. But that game is up. The Rest of the World (ROW) is up to their eyeballs in US$. They have enough. Now they want to spend them on either their own citizens or to consolidate their power. Strategic Resources are wanted. Food, Water, energy, shelter and Land are in demand. Things are going to get tense and hostile in the next decade. Is the US going to seize the day and return to glory, or will it join the Roman empire as a neat bit of history that my great grand children will read about.

More to come in later letters.

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